WORK FOR LYME DISEASE. The Secrets They Don’t Tell You

Dr. Douglas Wine
Founder of Lyme Laser Centers, Inc.

Where does the word antibiotic come from? It translates from Late Latin “1894, anti- against and bioticus of life” also from French antibiotique “1889, anti- against + biotique of microbial life”.

Antibiotics can quite easily kill the Lyme bacterium, Borrelia Burgdorferi, but they cannot deteriorate the protective biofilm that the Lyme spirochete produces for protection.

“It has been reported that between 65–80% of infectious diseases are linked to bacterial communities whose proliferation is related to biofilms and that they are more resistant to host defense mechanisms and antimicrobials by approximately 10–1000-fold compared to non-biofilm forming cultures.”* (1)

Once the Lyme spirochete is introduced into its host (human or animal), the production of the biofilm has been shown to start within days. The real challenge is the more concretely identified timeline of 21 to 28 days*, at which time the biofilm is fully formed and it is too late for antibiotics to work because they cannot break down the biofilm at a rate faster than the spirochete can produce it. (2)

But there is an even greater, more important consequence of taking antibiotics for Lyme disease.

Antibiotics shift the body into “sympathetic” mode. This is the body’s primary defense system known as “fight or flight”. (3)

While in “sympathetic” mode, the body:

  • Increases the production of stress hormones
  • Increases inflammation
  • Increases insulin resistance
  • Decreases immune function
  • Eliminates or greatly reduces the production of all chemicals associated with body healing, growth, regeneration, and reproduction

When your body is running for its life, it no longer needs to allocate resources to digestion, tissue repair, growth, and non-vital neurological function like short-term memory, concentration, and critical thinking.

It is physiologically impossible for the body to produce “sympathetic” and “parasympathetic” chemicals at the same time. Since antibiotics are a stressor to the body, they command a “sympathetic” response. In return, the “parasympathetic” system shuts down and body regeneration is halted. When in a parasympathetic state, the body regeneration cycles are in perfect harmony, and all organs, glands, muscles, and other body tissues are able to produce the proper chemicals in the correct amounts and at the correct time. In other words, the body is healthy.

A “sympathetic” response is short-lived, at approximately 2 hours for each episode. As the “sympathetic” responses become chronic, the body’s regeneration cycles become shorter, which leads to an unhealthy body with compounded symptoms.

Being healthy is synonymous with proper body regeneration. Every Lyme sufferer has one thing in common; they all want to regain their health. Taking antibiotics does not promote health. Hence its name, “against life”.

The Lyme Laser Protocol™ does not use antibiotics or any other substance or modality that have been shown to create a “sympathetic” response. Every aspect of the protocol has been developed to create an all-natural, safe, and effective solution to Lyme disease while helping the body get back to “healthy”.

NEXT WEEK: When Will Antibiotics Work?