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Melatonin - More than just for sleep!

Jan 13

2 min read




The benefits of supplements

As part of the Lyme Laser Home Protocol, we recommend using a range of supplements. These supplements help to turbocharge other elements of the protocol in addition to having their own direct impact on your wellness.  Here we explore Melatonin and why it’s important as you battle Lyme disease and why it is way more than just helping you sleep, get over jet lag and irregular work patterns and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a derivative of serotonin which itself is a neuro hormone synthesized and secreted mainly by the pineal gland and the GI tract. It’s involved in the regulation of the circadian and biological rhythms and, importantly, associated physiological responses such as sleep, anxiety and pain.


It acts as a free radical scavenger (an antioxidant) which contributes to the management of pain and inflammation. It’s well accepted that pain and anxiety interact with each other therefore melatonin has a high potential for influencing patient management of stresses associated with being unwell.


Melatonin vs Lyme

To put a little more science around it, one of the most direct effects of melatonin is on the membrane and nuclear receptors of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord affecting cyclooxygenase-2 which is the enzyme responsible for inflammation which we know many Lyme sufferers know only too well.  Melatonin also influences methylation enrichment which is well known to create a favorable effect on sensitive nerve pain.


The gastrointestinal system creates and releases a high amount of melatonin as well. Involvement of the central nervous systemin action with melatonin has demonstrated a positive supportive effect on conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.


Make Melatonin part of your wellness journey

Melatonin is a powerful ally in your battle with Lyme disease.  Whether it’s managing pain and inflammation, helping to combat anxiety or of course just to sleep better, this natural wonder is something you need by your side for a number of health benefits.

Jan 13

2 min read





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​*The Lyme Laser Protocol™ and all variants of the Lyme Laser Protocol™ are a Complementary and Integrative Health Protocol as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Lyme Laser Protocol™ is designed to address and alleviate Lyme disease symptoms.

​7 Scott Rd, Hampton, NH 03842

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